Sunday, May 6, 2007

(13) Humbleness pays - sukhee basai maskeenee-aa aap nivaar talay.

sukhee basai maskeenee-aa aap nivaar talay.
baday baday ahaNkaaree-aa naanak garab galay. 1

Waah waah mere satguru maharaj. How beautifully, in ashtpadi 12, he has made us understand this point.

The cosmic drama is created and monitored by HIM only. Nothing is in hands of human-beings. We have feeling of separateness from HIM only due to individuality acquired by us and root cause of it is ego (haume). In fact only HE is the doer. We all act according to his orders only. Everything in this creation moves according to his plan and will. Due to delusion, one acquires pride, and he gets feeling that he has achieved something due to his wisdom, his strategy, his efforts, his cleverness, his intelligence etc. It is illusion only. If some achievement appears due to these factors, who provided these factors of strength. That God only. Only inspiration provided by HIM made you start the process and supports provided by HIM made you get those things (of which you are proud of by treating the same as your own outcome). The best purpose of life is to seek blessings of God. For that ego is first barrier to be removed. Humbleness will get you love of God and yearning for recitation of HIS naam.

Ego-less humble beings are blessed with peace. Proud persons have a fall. Proud of power, one suffers in hell. Proud of youth, one will fall to filth. Feeling pride in having done good deeds one will be trapped in repeated cycles of rebirth. Proud of wealth and landed properties are fools and blind (as in reality, these are not theirs and vanish-able.) Humbles only get salvation and they are not misled by false pride.
Why to take pride in wealth, as it is not to go with you? Why to treat yourself as powerful person as you can reduce to ashes anytime?
You have done good deeds but if you are proud of same, it will be of no use. You have observed austerities but pride will trap you in cycles of rebirth. Who always bother for his nice image in society – how goodness in fact will come to him? The only way out is to be humble and treat self as dust of all. Only those persons will win.
A person is not, in fact, happy if he continues thinking that his efforts can get him what he wants. Till he thinks like that he remains in cycles of rebirth. Till he eradicates his attitude to accept people as friend or enemy, his mind does not get peace. Till he remains in vicious circles of maya, he suffers. By being humble, he is blessed by God who breaks all his bondages.
If you are not humble, you always run after maya, are in mad race of earning, to get corrupt pleasures (bhoga). You are always discontented.
Leave pride (haume), be humble (maskiniya). Bow before HIM
haume-less. Seek shelter in HIM. HIS blessing will exalt you.

kar kirpaa jis kai hirdai gareebee basaavai.
naanak eehaa mukat aagai sukh paavai.

Next blog will be “What should be routine of life for aspirant (gursikh)?

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