Monday, May 7, 2007

(14) What should be routine of life for aspirant (gursikh)?

(14) What should be routine of life for aspirant (gursikh)?

Reference ASHTPADI 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24

# The aspirant for blessings of waheguru jee has to create his eligibility for it.
The eligibles are who keep NAAM installed in their hearts and always have sense of bowing to HIM, who do not tell lies, who yearn to meet God, who do not have evil eyes on other women, who are ready to do service to god-blessed persons (saints, brahmgianees), who avoid criticisms, who treat themselves as worst, who leave bad conducts and who conquer craving for satisfaction of indriyas.
God blesses those who adhere to these and are busy in chanting and encouraging others to chant God’s name, do not have any expectations from anywhere. For this, one should avoid company of evil people and try to remove his wrong myths and remain in worship of God. He feels himself always in company of God only and obeys HIS orders. For him pleasures and agonies, gold and soil, ambrosia and poison, honour and insult, are same. He always accepts the circumstances around him as DESIRE OF GOD and relishes same treating same as god-sent gifts for him.
Such persons are blessed by God. One should strive hard to adopt these measures. And if we pray divine help, we will get support from God almighty to implement same in our life.

# Depend on God and not on this world. One should always recite HIS name (use of tongue), should relish happening around as his wondrous play (use of eyes), should walk on way to God (use of feet), should work for god (use of hands) and should listen HIS glories (use of ears). Blessed are who with guru’s grace recite HIS name, who remain desire-less and who yearn for God while being in family life.

# One should not worry in life. Pains and pleasures God sends to us according to our destiny (which we earned as per our actions). Nothing is in our hands. Leave everything to HIM only. When you took birth, what had you brought along with you? Why are you over-clinging to worldly pleasures? Realise, in fact, what you want can be obtained by his grace only. Forget your false pride and dip in bliss of his name. Take help from saints and invoke HIS (God’s) blessings. That is only way out. HE puts life in dead persons, provides food to hungry, can provide you any treasure but it is you who have to deserve same because you get as per your pre-ordained destiny. To deserve, seek HIS blessings, (recite his name leaving behind pride). Who understands God as all-in-one only can get through to HIM. No other way out.

# Attachment with people should be avoided and one should always have HIM in his heart as HE is unique and is pervading everywhere. HE only is to grant all our wishes. What he ordains, comes to us. He only creates and destroys. HE only monitors entire show. As children cannot know history of father, nobody claims to have known HIM. The persons, whom HE pleases, are trapped in three gunas and remain in vicious cycles of rebirths. And whom HE pleases, he reveals HIMSELF. He remains with different forms, different attributes and different behavioral patterns. One should trust and continue praying to HIM. Forget other shelters, which are illusory only.

# Gursikh always obeys commands of satguru and who sells his mind to satguru, he gets all kind of blessings. He becomes desire-less while remaining in service of satguru and he gets GOD.

# One should interact with saint about hari naam. You should forget all strategies and should install hari naam in heart. It is real earning and wealth. This shelter only will relieve you from all diseases (of body and mind). If you want pleasures (bliss), take shelter with saints. If you want glory, recite naam of that almighty. If you want to get rid of internal and external diseases, take medicine of hari naam. If you want relief from cycles of rebirths, take HIS shelter. It is essence of all the scriptures that worshipping HIM will only bring out results. No support such as wealth, relatives, vehicles, power will be able to take care of your problems except HIS naam. Realising that hari naam jaap will get you bliss in both the worlds, why O my mind, you are wandering aimlessly. Forget all shelters and make HIM your substratum. You will be blessed blessed blessed.

# Sing glory of God in holy company of saints. Ponder over knowledge of God and redeem this body, which is difficult to acquire. Sing ambrosial words of lord to save your soul. Visualize God always with you. Your ignorance and darkness will vanish. These teachings, please inscribe in heart and all your desires will be granted. And HE only knows the truth. You will be relieved of pains and sorrows. Why do not undertake this true business. Again, why to be away from God who is protector of all? You know by HIS blessings, one becomes fearless, worry-less. How can you worry when you are under protection of who saves all? HIS wisdom is perfect. HIS vision is ambrosial. By having HIS glorious look, we are saved and remain in bliss.

# After getting guidance from satguru, one should always feel God near himself, he should remember God’s name in rhythm of breathing, should get rid of multiplying desires, should seek blessings of saints, pray to God forgetting his own ego, get salvation by filling his treasures with Hari Naam. To get blissful pleasures, one should remember God with the help of saints. He should remember form of God as Narayan (all pervading lord) Gopal (sustainer of world) Damodar (Lord of world) Deen dayal (protector and supporter to poor, remover of pains, merciful. He should intensify his devotion with blessings from saints.

The above are basic ideas of strength as expressed in Sukhmani sahib ji. Complete surrender to waheguru with love and devotion and recitation of HIS naam will get you all other virtues too which will be accelerating your journey towards Him. Needless to add Gurbani should be studied, listened and should be LIVED, its verses should be adopted for follow-up in life as orders of waheguru jee conveyed to us through satguru. Believe me, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is living guru. In case you are sad, perplexed, confused or are feeling helpless, support-less, directionless, weak, trapped by enemies such as kaam, krodha, lobh, moh, ahankar, go to Guru sahib with trust, devotion and faith. Vision itself will give you elevation, consolation, happiness, assurance and bliss. Hukamnama will provide you guidance, support, direction, strength and inspiration.

Lastly, my humble suggestion. Japjee sahib is theme of sri Guru Granth sahib ji. Sukhmani sahib ji is its key. It is in such a simple language that there is no need to seek translation for local persons. If needbe transliteration/translation can also be referred. This bani is specially blessed by Guru Sahib ji. Time-permitting, kindly go through my blog “Why Sukhmani” too. Recitation of Sukhmani sahib ji done with love, faith and devotion inscribes bliss and new true meaning of gurbani in heart (hirday). We all are at different levels. We have our own limitations (individually) too. But if affordable, daily path of entire sukhmani sahibji should be done. If not possible, it can be recited daily with regularity and path can be completed in 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 12 – 24 days. Depends upon affordability. Once started, guru maharaj will also provide more strength. And the same should be with clear understanding of text, love and devotion. It will definitely accelerate your efforts.
And Gursikh has not to forget to follow the principles of
Naam Japo (chant the name of God), Kirat Karo (earn your living by working honestly), Vand ke Chhako (share your wealth with the needy)
Waheguru mehar kare.


Next blog will be “ Satguru and we”

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